Identical Twins Ordered To Pay Support For The Same Child
I just read an article and here’s the summary of it: There was a pair of identical twin brothers in Brazil. One of the men had...
Be Careful What You Ask For
I saw a Facebook post the other day that went something like this: Dad was paying mom $500.00 per month in child support. This was an...
Retired mother gets SIX FIGURE child support payment after nearly 50 years
WHAT!!! How could that happen? Those were my first thoughts and I’m sure they were yours too. So can that really happen? The answer is...
How to choose the RIGHT attorney
Picture this. You decide to hire an attorney to represent you in a custody case that’s scheduled for January. You searched google for a...

How to prepare for marriage and hopefully avoid a Divorce
Here’s a few scary divorce statistics from the US Census Bureau: Almost 50% of marriages in the US end in Divorce. In the US, 2,400...

I’m thinking about filing for Divorce, what should I do to prepare?
My marriage has been falling apart and I’ve made the difficult decision to start Divorce proceedings. But I have no idea what I should...

Hey guys! I know it's been quite a while since you've heard from me. I had a hectic few months. Between taking a 3 month maternity...

My ex has been demanding that I pay additional money on top of my child support but I’m not sure if I have to. <-- Does that sound...

You're Running Out of Time to Set Up Your Summer Parenting Time
I can't believe we are halfway through 2018 already! Where has the time went? But I'm sure we are all happy that finally the warm...

Can I File for Emergent Custody?
In New Jersey, it typically takes about 30 days from the date you file a Motion until you appear in Court for your hearing. But as we...