Real Stories, Real Support: Divorce Testimonials from My Clients
As an attorney, I understand that divorce is never easy. It's a time filled with challenges, emotions, and uncertainty. I am truly...
Coercive Control Now a Form of Domestic Violence in New Jersey
New Jersey has formally recognized coercive control as a form of domestic violence. In my experience as an attorney representing clients...
Appealing a Temporary Restraining Order in New Jersey
When a Temporary Restraining Order has been issued against a Defendant, New Jersey provides an opportunity for an appeal before the Final...
How Will My Child Support Obligation Be Calculated If My Spouse and I Separate?
Child support in NJ is a legal obligation. There are serious consequences for not paying child support, including wage garnishment and...
What Is a Custody Neutral Assessment (CNA)?
Custody Neutral Assessment has been implemented by some counties of the Family Part of the Superior Court of New Jersey for the last few...
The Pros and Cons of a Prenuptial Agreement
In the process of getting married and committing to a lifelong relationship with your partner, you face an interesting predicament:...
I Was Just Served with Divorce Papers. What Do I Do?
You may have seen it coming, or you may have not. There is no easy way to hear your spouse say: "I want a divorce." The next step...
How Are Alimony and Child Support Different?
A divorce often involves resolving numerous financial issues, such as taking ownership of the marital home and paying off debts accrued...
Are You Considering Legal Separation in New Jersey? Here's What You Need to Know!
Before getting divorced in New Jersey, it is common to go through a separation first. New Jersey, however, does not have a formal legal...
Can I Move Out of State with My Kids After a Divorce?
It is common for one parent to move to a new city or state after a divorce. There may be a new job, a new spouse, or a chance to start...