New Jersey Grounds for Divorce
In New Jersey, there are several different causes of action (aka grounds to file for Divorce). The most frequently used Cause of Action...
Til debt do us part
Did you know that ALL debts accumulated during the marriage are subject to equitable distribution at the time of divorce? You may say,...
Why It May Be Better to Settle Your Divorce Than Go To Trial
There are 2 ways to resolve your New Jersey divorce: 1) Trial Or 2) Settlement Each of them have their pros and cons but in most...
Can I Get Support From My Spouse While The Divorce Is Pending?
I had a client with this situation. So, I thought I'd share the details to educate you on how this type of case typically works. "My...
Welcome to Divorce Month
Did you know that January is the most popular month for divorce?!? Does that surprise you? It doesn’t surprise me. I’ve spoken with many...
Husband Forged Wife’s Signature And Obtains A Fraudulent Divorce
There was an article in the news recently from a case in Texas. A couple were married and sometime later separated. Many normal people...
Keeping Your Child From The Other Parent Could Cost You Custody!
I hear this question often: the other parent is keeping me from my child, what can I do about it? The short answer is … it depends! It...
The 3 Most Important Documents To File With A Request For College Contribution
As with everything in Family Court, what you don’t know can hurt you. This is especially true when it comes to providing the Court with...
Parent with custody ordered to pay child support to other parent
After 10 years of practicing Family Law, it’s hard to believe that things still surprise me but it’s true. Let me tell you about a crazy...
The $150 BILLION Dollar Divorce
If you’ve seen the news or been on social media within the last couple weeks, chances are you’ve seen all about the Bezos Divorce. If...