Mediation: Where Communication Meets Resolution
I often recommend divorcing clients try mediation when possible to avoid lengthy and costly litigation procedures. The purpose of divorce...
Co-parenting After Divorce: Navigating the Holidays
When you have always dreamed of a picture-perfect holiday season for your children, splitting the holidays can be an emotionally painful...
Child Support - Who is it Really For?
It’s no surprise that divorce cases involving children tend to be more complicated, especially when it comes to well-paid celebrities....
Be Careful What You Wish For
Many couples find themselves growing apart when one or both spouses spend too much time away from the family in pursuit of professional...
I Wish Every Divorce Was Like This…
The end of one of Hollywood's most admired marriages is almost over. All without… ✅ Arguing on social media ✅ Fighting over property ✅ Or...
The Legal Reality of Conscious Co-Parenting
When two people co-parent a child, it’s usually because at some point they were either married or dating. And of course, there are many...
10 Most Common Reasons For Getting Divorced
Cheating, Money, and Communication. If you ask anyone why they’re getting divorced, oftentimes you hear at least one of these reasons....
15 Years Of Marriage, A Lottery Ticket, & Alimony
Picture it, New Jersey, the year 2000 (in my Sofia from the Golden Girls voice). No seriously. This is a true story about a real couple in..
What exactly is Equitable Distribution?
I’m in the midst of getting divorced and I’ve heard about this thing called Equitable Distribution. What exactly is that? This is a...
Do NOT Sign that Agreement!
Representing yourself in a Divorce can be dangerous. CORRECTION, IT IS DANGEROUS! You don’t understand or know the law which many times...